1.   Bean plays the part of traditional homecoming opponent, trying to ruin a quite sizable party.

2.   Dixie delegates were downright giddy about bringing home the bacon in November, giving Gore about as much chance as a homecoming opponent at a Southeast Conference football game.

3.   OU will make a great homecoming opponent.

4.   The Mid-American Conference for years provided national football powerhouses with sure-win homecoming opponents and breaks in otherwise challenging schedules.

n. + opponent >>共 368
abortion 21.57%
government 10.59%
first-round 3.70%
playoff 2.94%
second-round 2.11%
quality 1.91%
season 1.91%
division 1.79%
death-penalty 1.47%
tobacco 1.21%
homecoming 0.26%
homecoming + n. >>共 51
queen 19.34%
game 12.15%
parade 8.29%
celebration 6.63%
king 4.42%
party 3.31%
dance 2.76%
event 2.76%
reception 2.21%
opponent 2.21%
每页显示:    共 4