1.   As a result, Hollywood types often find programmers to be plodding, not methodical, and programmers believe story folks are whimsical to the point of delirium.

2.   As migt be expected, Hollywood types have a rather more elevated view of these films.

3.   --- Adam Rifkin is an example of an increasingly common Hollywood type.

4.   Buchanan says working with Hollywood types has been an education for a reporter who has spent her life striving to get the facts straight.

5.   Busy Hollywood types.

6.   Business-minded Hollywood types tend to turn to someone with a proven track record.

7.   But digitization has been the playground of professionals, especially Hollywood types.

8.   But those are not exactly words calculated to make big-time Hollywood types sit up and take notice.

9.   Carey is not your garden-variety Hollywood type, and his fans sense it.

10.   Carroll was not the flamboyant Hollywood type.

a. + type >>共 1137
different 18.12%
new 11.16%
same 8.31%
particular 2.35%
common 2.12%
specific 1.59%
second 1.34%
similar 0.99%
hollywood 0.99%
special 0.92%
hollywood + n. >>共 1002
studio 7.43%
movie 6.40%
star 4.78%
film 4.17%
producer 2.19%
celebrity 1.81%
executive 1.69%
actor 1.48%
agent 1.21%
type 1.12%
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