1.   Although the typical person tends to combat holiday stress with party food and booze, Riley offers a sane approach.

2.   Autumn is a firm but kind transition from the season of relaxation to the days of overcrowded schedules, holiday stress, and ice.

3.   A good boarding facility can provide your animal with a snug alternative to holiday stress.

4.   It all adds up to holiday stress.

5.   Next week I will discuss some ways for reducing the risk of holiday seasonal stress.

6.   One of the most stressful things about the holidays is all those articles telling you how to avoid holiday stress.

7.   Several groups of people are especially prone to holiday seasonal stress and these include the following.

8.   The experience was friendly and casual, a vacation from holiday stress.

9.   There is no holiday stress, no frantic runs to the post office with armloads of packages, no budget-busting shopping list.

10.   Ward was experiencing the extreme end of holiday stress.

n. + stress >>共 132
heat 10.51%
job 9.49%
workplace 4.07%
wartime 4.07%
holiday 3.73%
official 3.05%
crop 2.71%
drought 2.71%
market 2.03%
work 2.03%
holiday + n. >>共 940
season 26.96%
weekend 7.82%
sale 3.42%
period 2.17%
gift 2.14%
party 2.12%
break 1.32%
resort 1.15%
shopper 1.13%
spirit 1.10%
stress 0.17%
每页显示:    共 11