1.   As she held him close she was filled with desire.

2.   Carefully she drew it out through the folds of the eiderdown and held it close to the flame of the nightlight.

3.   He takes the bottle from Julio, holds it close to his eyes and examines the tiny amount of rum remaining.

4.   She remodelled it with careful fingers, then held it close to the flame.

5.   One or two snatched up their children and held them close, making signs to warn off the evil eye.

6.   He kissed her, without undue passion, and, despite herself, Shelley reached up her arms and held him close.

7.   Angel Pena will catch for Ismael Valdes and Darren Dreifort because they have more trouble holding runners close.

8.   As a result, baseball revenues have mostly been held close to home.

9.   Bob Dole is renowned for holding things close, talking sharply to aides, and being unwilling to delegate authority.

10.   A paddle containing a coiled wire is held close to the head, and an electrical current passed through the wire generates a magnetic field.

v. + close >>共 46
keep 20.07%
consider 17.28%
get 13.61%
hold 7.50%
make 6.46%
cut 5.24%
find 4.71%
pull 3.84%
push 2.09%
leave 2.09%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
close 1.11%
每页显示:    共 43