1.   All the history textbooks we use have been revised and brought up to date.

2.   Twenty years ago history textbooks did consist principally of text.

3.   Can one take heart in the inclusion of women in that other bellwether of popular culture, the American history textbook?

4.   Educators are writing new history textbooks that debunk the old official lies.

5.   Fujimura was involved in most of these findings, which forced the rewriting of history textbooks.

6.   History textbooks here still give the Jeju massacres only cursory mention.

7.   If UCLA is playing the role of Cinderella this year, it is a Cinderella who heard the stroke of midnight while hunched over a history textbook.

8.   In the American history textbook, Ronald Reagan was president and Colorado Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell was still a Democrat and a native American.

9.   Jane and Mary then sat next to a woman reading a college history textbook.

10.   Last November, Berlanga, an immigration lawyer, publicly accused Ballard of racism because of her objections to passages in history textbooks that depicted Mexican cowboys.

n. + textbook >>共 74
school 22.13%
history 15.57%
college 6.56%
economics 4.10%
biology 3.69%
language 2.46%
middle-school 2.05%
science 2.05%
health 1.64%
psychology 1.64%
history + n. >>共 261
book 24.31%
professor 10.62%
lesson 10.41%
teacher 6.67%
buff 4.97%
class 3.95%
museum 2.92%
department 2.05%
textbook 1.95%
course 1.59%
每页显示:    共 38