1.   And asked whether history would remember Clinton more for his leadership or more for his scandals, nearly seven in ten said scandals and three in ten said leadership.

2.   An ashen-faced Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Authority, told Israeli Television that history would remember Rabin as a great man of peace.

3.   And as Doris Meissner, the commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, noted in a tearful eulogy, Rodriguez will be remembered by history for something else.

4.   Another prosecutor, Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, asked senators how they want to be remembered by history.

5.   As a compensation, perhaps history will remember Menem less than his precursors.

6.   But another Sargent is present, too, the artist whom everyone knows, some people are mad for and history will probably remember.

7.   Everyone on the Judiciary Committee should be concerned how history will remember what they do.

8.   For at least one of us, and maybe for both, the actions of the next few days will be what we are remembered for by history.

9.   He knows, too, that history remembers Wallace for dislodging millions of white voters from the Democratic establishment with his anti-elites message.

10.   History will not remember the V-chip.

n. + remember >>共 523
people 13.86%
fan 4.99%
friend 2.81%
history 2.06%
resident 1.87%
child 1.50%
mother 1.44%
colleague 1.44%
man 1.37%
woman 1.31%
history + v. >>共 487
be 31.56%
show 7.27%
repeat 5.02%
suggest 5.02%
have 3.16%
tell 1.96%
say 1.88%
teach 1.86%
judge 1.46%
prove 1.27%
remember 0.88%
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