1.   But while basketball fans lost, history buffs gained.

2.   Describing himself as a history buff, Acosta offers his Web site primarily as a catalyst for further discussion.

3.   Although the site attracts scholars and history buffs, it also appeals to students.

4.   Although this collection is aimed at history buffs, it would it make a good addition to junior high and high school video libraries.

5.   And as late summer gives way to the first chill of autumn, these places take on a special charm for history buffs and nature lovers alike.

6.   And on a Saturday afternoon, a small crowd of history buffs and regular folks gather to celebrate the past.

7.   As a medieval history buff, he had become engrossed with crossbows and their trigger mechanisms.

8.   Art history buffs will note the subtle differences in fresco styles.

9.   At Fort Ticonderoga in New York, history buffs watch the colorfully garbed historical re-enactors recall pre-Revolutionary America and life in the Adirondacks.

10.   Because fans of such books are often history buffs themselves, Cody said her research must be meticulous.

n. + buff >>共 137
history 16.58%
film 10.43%
movie 5.64%
computer 4.96%
opera 4.62%
fitness 4.44%
conspiracy 4.27%
train 2.22%
theater 2.22%
music 2.05%
history + n. >>共 261
book 24.31%
professor 10.62%
lesson 10.41%
teacher 6.67%
buff 4.97%
class 3.95%
museum 2.92%
department 2.05%
textbook 1.95%
course 1.59%
每页显示:    共 97