1.   As a historical event the exodus was definitive.

2.   As well as important historical events that helped to shape the town, the walks show how people lived, worked and enjoyed themselves.

3.   Critical assessment of long held beliefs is the first step to new interpretation of historical events and other so called scientific truths.

4.   In the past, comets were feared harbingers of important historical events, including invasions and major disasters.

5.   What world historical events were precipitated by incidents that occurred then?

6.   ...the ways in which historical events intersect with individual lives.

7.   And historical events like the battle of the Alamo and the Normandy invasion become more vivid when personalized through the lives of Davy Crockett and General Omar Bradley.

8.   And how does this infusion alter the treatment of historical events?

a. + event >>共 984
sporting 5.23%
major 3.07%
recent 2.82%
special 2.36%
fund-raising 2.01%
first 1.90%
annual 1.85%
public 1.80%
international 1.78%
big 1.72%
historical 0.67%
historical + n. >>共 1058
record 3.56%
figure 2.66%
site 2.49%
significance 2.20%
perspective 2.09%
event 2.07%
context 2.02%
society 1.81%
datum 1.56%
fact 1.52%
每页显示:    共 112