1.   He was a not inconsiderable artist, illustrating many of his own books.

2.   But someone pitches Arthur a softball by asking him to identify the first line from one of his own books.

3.   For instance, Dan Poynter, who lectures and writes about self-publishing, does not bother exhibiting his own books anymore because he said that not enough booksellers attend.

4.   He keeps in touch by translating his own books.

5.   He was widely considered a long shot, as King has never written a screenplay based on anything but his own books.

6.   He taught and lectured on horology, was an industry consultant and illustrated his own books.

7.   His own books were often applauded by critics.

8.   Rodgers is a prolific cookbook writer, producing his own books plus ghostwriting books on subjects such as Kwanzaa and chuck-wagon fare.

9.   Then he went to New York and worked in the art department at Doubleday, staying late in the office to create his own books.

10.   He also is writing his own books.

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