81.   An appendix in his book lists far more sites than I have room to include here.

82.   And almost no one in his book gets introduced without a detailed look at their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

83.   And CMP Media, a billion-dollar Long Island publisher of computer magazines, blamed a stock dip on his book.

84.   And Connell decided his book would cover it all.

85.   And in his book, Wuthnow mixes that finding with anecdotal evidence, garnered in his research, about freezes and cuts in local and national church budgets.

86.   And in his book he advocates taking financial advantage of any disruption from the Millennium bug.

87.   And in his book Snow went out on a journalistic limb.

88.   And rival publishers grumbled that Vise appeared to be attempting to manipulate best-seller lists by bolstering sales of his book.

89.   And the meticulous, Pulitzer Prize-winning author asked for a few more days to labor on his book.

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