91.   And then he went off to talk some more about his book.

92.   And throughout his book, he provides his rebuttal to most of the incidents on his rap sheet.

93.   As a New Yorker, Kaplan said he feels a little embarrassed even talking about his book.

94.   As defense-minded as ever, he frequently responded to questions by quoting memos written by other officials contained in his book, and intermittently went off-the-record.

95.   As Harr struggled with his book, he never dreamed of having a best seller, much less a movie sale.

96.   As Martinez details in his book, serious gamblers still get free meals, rooms and even airfare.

97.   As I sign the inscription in his book, I notice him studying the first page intently.

98.   As one reads deeper into his book, Sen clearly agrees.

99.   As one who urged him to write his book, I feel obliged to commend him for it.

100.   As Steingarten is leaving Pearl Oyster Bar, owner Rebecca Clark introduces herself and tells him how much she likes his book.

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