1.   This meeting is being held to deal with the serious matter of possible racism in our hiring practices.

2.   We are not at liberty to discuss our hiring practices.

3.   The company has formalized its hiring practices.

4.   He accused the company of inequality in its hiring practices.

5.   He called instead for a broader provision which would permit employers to adopt hiring practices which serve legitimate employment goals.

6.   As the hiring practices of the Supreme Court confirm, America is still not sufficiently free of discrimination against blacks and other minorities to abandon affirmative-action remedies.

7.   At the time, several legislators said they did not believe public money should be used to pay for illegal hiring practices.

8.   Because of state hiring practices, some new employees come in making more than veterans.

9.   A few months later, Tyson settled federal charges that it discriminated against women and blacks in its hiring practices at a plant in Forest, Miss.

10.   Affirmative action also has changed state hiring practices, evolving over decades into a series of laws directing officials to recruit and hire women and minorities.

a. + practice >>共 750
batting 9.75%
private 3.94%
common 3.55%
first 1.96%
standard 1.94%
medical 1.88%
religious 1.54%
good 1.39%
accounting 1.36%
current 1.23%
hiring 0.61%
hiring + n. >>共 345
freeze 11.01%
practice 5.54%
process 5.32%
worker 5.32%
people 3.42%
decision 3.11%
plan 2.05%
manager 1.97%
teacher 1.97%
employee 1.90%
每页显示:    共 73