1.   A committee will screen candidates for the job, but the final hiring decision will be made by Ms. Brown.

2.   And a federal computer database to monitor every hiring decision in the United States.

3.   Ashcroft said under oath that he had never used sexual preference as an issue in hiring decisions.

4.   A New Jersey company called Advisor Associates advises corporations on mergers, aquisitions, product launches and hiring decisions after intensive readings ... psychic readings.

5.   But he is also gaining a larger voice on political matters and politically sensitive hiring decisions.

6.   But more often, he advises companies on hiring decisions, auspicious dates to sign business contracts and the most opportune time to expand.

7.   But she also has drawn criticism for hiring decisions, early missteps and for what some say is an underwhelming legislative record.

8.   But repeatedly, Lundwall found, the hiring decisions had already been made.

9.   Can an employer make a hiring decision based on body art?

10.   English department professors say that turning over hiring decisions to outsiders has also reduced the departmental quarreling.

a. + decision >>共 686
final 18.55%
right 2.49%
tough 2.36%
difficult 2.12%
unanimous 1.97%
major 1.68%
political 1.55%
bad 1.47%
important 1.46%
recent 1.43%
hiring 0.27%
hiring + n. >>共 345
freeze 11.01%
practice 5.54%
process 5.32%
worker 5.32%
people 3.42%
decision 3.11%
plan 2.05%
manager 1.97%
teacher 1.97%
employee 1.90%
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