1.   This patient had the highest serum aspartate aminotransferase activity of the PSC patients.

2.   They found that patients with the highest serum gastrin concentrations did not necessarily have the highest enterochromaffin like cell counts.

3.   Moreover, they also showed that patients with pernicious anaemia and carcinoid tumours or nodular argyrophilic cell hyperplasia did not have the highest serum gastrin concentrations.

a. + serum >>共 59
basal 11.02%
normal 7.09%
increased 7.09%
low 6.30%
total 3.94%
fasting 3.15%
high 3.15%
highest 3.15%
higher 3.15%
mean 2.36%
highest + n. >>共 950
level 19.83%
bidder 4.34%
rate 3.81%
price 3.40%
number 2.90%
priority 2.19%
point 2.12%
court 1.74%
official 1.62%
standard 1.52%
serum 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4