1.   Moreover, they were all women, had a lower age and higher serum glutamic oxals acetic transminase concentrations.

2.   Subjects with atrophy had significantly higher serum gastrin concentrations than all other subjects and higher than old subjects without atrophy.

3.   H pylori infected subjects had higher serum gastrin concentrations on average than uninfected subjects.

a. + serum >>共 59
basal 11.02%
normal 7.09%
increased 7.09%
low 6.30%
total 3.94%
fasting 3.15%
high 3.15%
highest 3.15%
higher 3.15%
mean 2.36%
higher + n. >>共 561
price 9.70%
rate 9.29%
cost 3.86%
level 3.19%
tax 2.43%
wage 2.40%
yield 2.11%
return 2.03%
profit 1.62%
court 1.49%
serum 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4