1.   The surgeon general warns that beedies are as dangerous as cigarettes and more addictive because of higher nicotine levels.

2.   Another drawback of the patch is the possibility it might trigger heart attacks, as the much higher nicotine in cigarettes can.

3.   Higher nicotine absorption could help explain the lower quitting rate among blacks, the researchers said.

4.   It also found some mild cigarette brands had a higher nicotine concentration than regular cigarettes.

a. + nicotine >>共 58
addictive 6.06%
extra 5.05%
lower 5.05%
available 4.04%
alternative 4.04%
higher 4.04%
first 4.04%
content 4.04%
new 4.04%
liquid 3.03%
higher + n. >>共 561
price 9.70%
rate 9.29%
cost 3.86%
level 3.19%
tax 2.43%
wage 2.40%
yield 2.11%
return 2.03%
profit 1.62%
court 1.49%
nicotine 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4