1.   Although high serum cholesterol concentrations are predictive of coronary heart disease, controversy exists as to the relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma.

2.   Patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and raised concentrations of serum pepsinogen A are often found to have high serum pepsinogen C values.

3.   The reason for the high serum pepsinogen C concentrations in this group is probably related to the trophic effect of gastrin on the oxyntic mucosa.

a. + serum >>共 59
basal 11.02%
normal 7.09%
increased 7.09%
low 6.30%
total 3.94%
fasting 3.15%
high 3.15%
highest 3.15%
higher 3.15%
mean 2.36%
high + n. >>共 715
pressure 6.29%
level 5.41%
price 3.99%
cost 3.17%
wind 2.39%
speed 1.94%
rate 1.89%
standard 1.55%
heat 1.55%
unemployment 1.47%
serum 0%
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