1.   Add water-soaked hickory chips, a small handful at a time, to the edge of the fire to start the smoking process.

2.   After roasting, place shoulder on grill and smoke over hickory chips for at least one hour.

3.   Clean grill and make the fire with charcoal and a few hickory wood chips.

4.   Prepare covered grill for indirect heat and when coals are ready, scatter soaked hickory chips over hot coals.

5.   Soak remaining hickory chips in water for smoking.

6.   The ribs, first baked in a slow oven to release their fat and tenderize them, go on the grill with hickory chips and a basting of sauce.

7.   The speed and ease of a gas grill makes nearly anything possible, even a charbroiled flavor if you take the time to add a few soaked hickory chips.

8.   This company sells Wildfire brand hardwood charcoal briquets studded with hickory chips.

9.   Top the bed of gray coals with a few handfuls of soaked hickory chips.

10.   You are fluent in hickory chips, starter chimneys, grilling baskets and the instant-read thermometer.

n. + chip >>共 266
memory 29.40%
tortilla 8.43%
bone 7.64%
silicon 6.35%
semiconductor 4.50%
computer 2.70%
paint 2.59%
processor 2.14%
logic 2.02%
access 1.63%
hickory 0.56%
hickory + n. >>共 17
chip 20.00%
nut 18.00%
stick 12.00%
tree 8.00%
wood 8.00%
shaft 6.00%
smoke 6.00%
shad 4.00%
basketry 2.00%
bird 2.00%
每页显示:    共 10