1.   And cooked beefsteak contains carcinogens like benzanthracene, heterocyclic amines and traces of arsenic and a fungal toxin, ochratoxin A.

2.   According to the menu, roast turkey and beef contain natural heterocyclic amines, substances which trigger DNA mutations and cause cancer in rodents.

3.   All these findings are still quite preliminary, of course, as is the data linking heterocyclic amines with cancer in humans.

4.   The compounds, called heterocyclic amines, or HCAs, are produced from amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

a. + amine >>共 6
aromatic 33.33%
heterocyclic 33.33%
higher 8.33%
important 8.33%
natural 8.33%
present 8.33%
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