1.   The FDA has also approved the herpes drug Valtrex for suppression of herpes outbreaks.

2.   Analysts said they were favorably impressed with new product sales, including those of antidepressant Paxil, arthritis treatment Relafen, and Famvir, a herpes drug.

3.   Herpes drugs made by Glaxo Wellcome Plc. and SmithKline Beecham Plc. are currently used to combat both shingles and herpes simplex virus.

4.   If so, it raises the possibility that broader use of herpes drugs, such as acyclovir, could be another tool for lowering the risk of AIDS.

5.   Once the venture is reorganized, the U.S. company will market products originally developed by Glaxo and sell those made by Wellcome, including the herpes drug Zovirax.

n. + drug >>共 495
prescription 34.13%
cancer 6.85%
fertility 3.73%
chemotherapy 2.65%
diet 2.03%
allergy 1.59%
diabetes 1.50%
blockbuster 1.50%
heart 1.45%
impotence 1.11%
herpes 0.14%
herpes + n. >>共 15
virus 56.70%
infection 8.25%
family 6.19%
treatment 6.19%
drug 5.15%
gene 4.12%
expert 2.06%
group 2.06%
medicine 2.06%
outbreak 2.06%
每页显示:    共 5