1.   The Muslim men were herded by the thousands into trucks, delivered to killing sites near the Drina River, lined up four by four, and shot.

2.   The troops herded the men into a truck and sped away.

3.   According to locals, several dozen men were herded into farm buildings and shot, then the buildings were set ablaze.

4.   At prayer time, fighters have herded men into mosques.

5.   Earlier, soldiers raided a West Bank village, herding all men into the main square.

6.   In one village, soldiers herded all men into the main square for questioning.

7.   Men are herded into mosques to worship.

8.   Once inside the prison, the nine men were herded into one room and shackles were placed on their wrists and ankles.

9.   Once at the prison, the nine men were herded into one room and shackled at wrist and ankle.

10.   The eight men were herded into one room, where they were bound and shot, Rana said.

v. + man >>共 638
arrest 8.70%
kill 7.52%
see 2.91%
identify 2.48%
shoot 2.47%
charge 2.34%
take 2.21%
detain 1.80%
injure 1.30%
find 1.26%
herd 0.05%
herd + n. >>共 119
cattle 8.67%
sheep 6.67%
man 4.00%
people 3.67%
goat 2.67%
group 2.67%
cat 2.33%
hundred 2.33%
animal 2.00%
student 2.00%
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