1.   A Astilbes are hardy herbaceous perennials which prefer a deep, moist, loamy soil.

2.   Hellebores tend to be more expensive than other herbaceous perennials.

3.   Herbaceous perennials suit my purposes admirably.

4.   New herbaceous perennials planted now will put on plenty of root growth before winter, giving a better display next year.

5.   A. Every few years, you will find that large clumps of some herbaceous perennials start to falter and their flowering becomes poor.

6.   Cutting back the dead stalks of herbaceous perennials before mulching makes the job easier.

7.   Early to mid-spring is the best time for dividing most herbaceous perennials.

8.   First grasses take over, then herbaceous perennials, then shrubs, and then trees.

9.   Herbaceous perennials die to the ground each winter and come back from their roots in the spring.

10.   Midsummer is a good time to take cuttings for many herbaceous perennials, like bellflowers.

a. + perennial >>共 103
hardy 12.71%
herbaceous 7.18%
tender 5.52%
new 2.76%
unusual 2.76%
low-growing 2.21%
evergreen 2.21%
short-lived 2.21%
native 1.66%
spring-blooming 1.66%
herbaceous + n. >>共 14
plant 29.51%
border 22.95%
perennial 21.31%
peony 8.20%
flavor 3.28%
cheese 1.64%
flower 1.64%
garden 1.64%
material 1.64%
one 1.64%
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