1.   Q. I have a lovely herbaceous peony, which I cherish, that has overgrown its original spot and is competing with my rhododendron.

2.   Specialty growers wait until the plants can be sold on their own roots, but discounters may sell younger plants with the herbaceous peony root still attached.

3.   The ideal transplanting time for herbaceous peonies is any time in the fall while the ground is still workable.

4.   They have a hard time surviving, and sometimes also the herbaceous peony puts up its own stems.

5.   Unlike herbaceous peonies, which like full sun, tree peonies do best in dappled shade.

a. + peony >>共 26
herbaceous 15.63%
double 6.25%
white 6.25%
big 3.13%
bright 3.13%
chinese 3.13%
classic 3.13%
dead 3.13%
favorite 3.13%
first 3.13%
herbaceous + n. >>共 14
plant 29.51%
border 22.95%
perennial 21.31%
peony 8.20%
flavor 3.28%
cheese 1.64%
flower 1.64%
garden 1.64%
material 1.64%
one 1.64%
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