91.   Her books make Stark a remarkable figure under any circumstances.

92.   Her books were found in the wooded area.

93.   Her books are credited with inspiring children once hooked on television to read books again.

94.   Her books are dark, but she is both dark and light, with an intensity leavened finally by humor and self-mockery.

95.   Her books are lessons in civilization and history as much as they are cookbooks.

96.   Her books have been compared with suspense fiction, but we see in them echoes of Kitty Kelley minus the celebrity factor.

97.   Her books inspired his first literary effort as a young boy.

98.   Hearon creates vivid snapshots of life in her two settings, something she strives for in each of her books.

99.   Her books are usually classified as mysteries, but they are never tales of detection or crime-solving.

100.   Her books include high doses of suspense and mystery, and almost no scenes of explicit sex, descriptive violence or extensive cursing.

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