71.   As relentlessly as the author seeks to keep the focus of her book on that which can be proved, inevitably little bits of personal politics creep in.

72.   As Rubin and her book reveal, they have profound concerns and often, keen insights.

73.   As she trudged up the mountain road in Wyoming, Fuller explained that while her book has strained her ties with her parents, it has not broken them.

74.   As her book related, she struggled to maintain them in difficult circumstances.

75.   As Secunda gathered anecdotes for her book, she also compiled a wish list from those she interviewed.

76.   As she noted in her book, Ms. Heilbrun has changed her mind.

77.   Asked to point out the themes in her book, she demurred.

78.   At the end of her book, Ms. Barber completes the history of the people to which at least some of the mummies of the Tarim Basin belong.

79.   At the center of her book is baseball, her love of the Brooklyn Dodgers, a team that stayed together and rewarded her fidelity.

80.   At the end of her book, Giray lists a floral vocabulary, passed down since ancient times.

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