51.   She picked up her book.

52.   She dropped her glasses back on to her nose, and lifted her book.

53.   Oh is that in her book?

54.   Although her book pokes fun at middle-age angst, the author said this had been the best time of her life.

55.   Always a canny businesswoman, Hunt made her business products and names an integral part of her book.

56.   Always, she touts her book.

57.   American readers wanted to hang her, but they bought her book, and they talked and argued about it, and about her, for years.

58.   Amid roses and a red backdrop, author Janelle Taylor, left, hawks her book on QVC on Friday.

59.   And a part of millions of other women around the globe, as Fielding has discovered firsthand while promoting the paperback release of her book.

60.   And her book is being reissued by Random House.

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