1.   Keeping up to date, helping to improve skills for the off-farm job, and making contact with other farmers were other minor responses.

2.   Due process also means telling tenured teachers what their shortcomings are and helping them improve.

3.   Granulated peat is a good investment to maintain good moisture status and helping to improve drainage and soil aeration.

4.   The charter included commitments to greater investment in education at home and helping developing countries improve their systems.

v. + improve >>共 116
be 3.61%
sample 3.61%
train 3.01%
add 2.41%
help 2.41%
have 2.41%
play 2.41%
house 1.81%
manufacture 1.81%
restructure 1.81%
help + v. >>共 141
be 34.65%
keep 1.65%
find 1.65%
make 1.65%
build 1.32%
improve 1.32%
help 0.99%
boost 0.99%
have 0.99%
avoid 0.99%
每页显示:    共 4