1.   Analysts say more consolidation may be ahead, helping stronger companies build market share.

2.   As head of the Center for Energy and Economic Diversification, Matthews has the job of helping to build a less oily future for west Texas.

3.   But helping an opponent build a lead or allowing them back in a game is not something the Dodgers can repeat in the next eight days.

4.   Boutros-Ghali wants the mission to focus now on technical assistance and helping to build institutions to protect human rights, U.N. spokesman Sylvana Foa said Wednesday.

v. + build >>共 49
be 14.08%
help 5.63%
collect 4.23%
have 4.23%
spend 4.23%
drumming 2.82%
corn 2.82%
expand 2.82%
buying 2.82%
appeal 1.41%
help + v. >>共 141
be 34.65%
keep 1.65%
find 1.65%
make 1.65%
build 1.32%
improve 1.32%
help 0.99%
boost 0.99%
have 0.99%
avoid 0.99%
每页显示:    共 4