1.   As they came over the mill, Rogers had to drop his helmet visor to protect his face from the heat.

2.   Afterward, McGillis suggested that Brylin might have cut himself on his own helmet visor.

3.   Incognito, with his helmet visor down, he gave him a lift to the nearest gas station and back.

4.   Peering through thick helmet visors, a row of riot officers stood silent as student protesters prodded their plastic shields with sticks and hurled taunts.

5.   Triton is also developing a scratch-proof plastic coating for U.S. Navy helmet visors and jet windows, Haghighat said.

6.   With the front bodywork of his Ducati broken and blood smeared across his helmet visor, he had no option but to return to his pit bay for repairs.

n. + visor >>共 17
sun 44.78%
bow 23.88%
helmet 8.96%
rest 2.99%
bug 1.49%
cap 1.49%
car 1.49%
chrome 1.49%
day 1.49%
door 1.49%
helmet + n. >>共 81
law 18.01%
use 6.21%
hair 3.73%
visor 3.73%
strap 3.11%
design 2.48%
light 2.48%
logo 2.48%
requirement 2.48%
manufacturer 1.86%
每页显示:    共 6