1.   In August, she was struck by a very heavy storm during which her rudder was torn away.

2.   And because this is the beginning of the heavy storm season in North Texas, the opportunities for worrying will only multiply.

3.   After a heavy storm rain water fills this well and water sometimes runs under the window into the basement.

4.   But increased evaporation of moisture from the soil, destructive rainfall in heavy storms and weather more hospitable to pests would not.

5.   By October, heavy storms sometimes strew the beach with the giant clams called surf, or hen, clams, weighing several pounds each.

6.   But, especially in the first minutes of a heavy storm, rain can contain much more than that.

7.   Filming would begin early next year, when heavy storms are known to batter this jewel on the North Coast.

8.   Evidence of an increase in these heavy storms has already been detected in North America.

9.   Flooding will occur in areas where a few heavy storms follow on the heels of one another.

10.   Friday, the middle Mississippi Valley, including Missouri, and the lower Ohio River Valley will be at risk for heavy storms.

a. + storm >>共 576
severe 6.67%
political 3.55%
powerful 3.15%
strong 3.00%
heavy 2.64%
major 2.18%
pacific 1.94%
new 1.94%
fierce 1.88%
isolated 1.88%
heavy + n. >>共 756
rain 16.39%
weapon 3.93%
snow 3.22%
artillery 2.96%
loss 2.05%
pressure 1.70%
equipment 1.67%
security 1.60%
casualty 1.45%
fire 1.41%
storm 0.33%
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