1.   Heat peanut oil in a heavy ovenproof casserole.

2.   Heat oil in heavy ovenproof casserole or small roasting pan that will comfortably hold chicken.

3.   I do this in a heavy casserole since the meat will be braised.

4.   In a large heavy casserole, cook pancetta in olive oil over medium-high heat until it renders its fat.

5.   Place celery, carrot and onion evenly in bottom of heavy casserole dish with a tight-fitting lid.

6.   Pour olive oil into a paella pan or large heavy casserole.

7.   Remove the beef to a heavy casserole with a lid.

8.   Transfer the mixture to a heavy casserole and lay the meatballs on top.

a. + casserole >>共 90
large 16.94%
flameproof 8.06%
ovenproof 5.65%
shallow 5.65%
buttered 4.44%
prepared 3.63%
heavy 3.23%
greased 2.42%
small 2.42%
covered 2.02%
heavy + n. >>共 756
rain 16.39%
weapon 3.93%
snow 3.22%
artillery 2.96%
loss 2.05%
pressure 1.70%
equipment 1.67%
security 1.60%
casualty 1.45%
fire 1.41%
casserole 0.03%
每页显示:    共 8