1.   Heat beef broth in soup pot.

2.   Heat the broth and keep it at a simmer.

3.   Heat broth to boiling.

4.   Heat broth in large pot over lowest heat.

5.   Heat vegetable broth to a simmer in large saucepan.

6.   In a saucepan, heat broth and add lime leaves, lemon grass, galangal, fish sauce and lemon juice.

7.   In a large saucepan, heat the broth with the butter.

8.   OK, heat the broth to boiling in a large pot.

v. + broth >>共 67
add 24.03%
pour 10.47%
bring 7.75%
strain 6.20%
reserve 5.43%
ladle 3.88%
heat 3.10%
use 3.10%
make 3.10%
season 1.94%
heat + n. >>共 385
oil 31.84%
home 3.25%
water 2.80%
butter 2.69%
price 2.58%
air 1.96%
house 1.51%
cream 1.46%
future 1.40%
mixture 1.35%
broth 0.45%
每页显示:    共 8