1.   Amyloidosis occurs when an abnormal protein becomes fibrous and becomes deposited in the heart muscle.

2.   Thus carnitine is crucial for mitochondrial energy production, and this is of particular importance in skeletal and heart muscle.

3.   The attack was over, but how on earth could Shelley know what damage had been done to the heart muscle?

4.   An autopsy revealed patches of dead tissue in his heart muscle, or myocardial necrosis, which was listed as the cause of death.

5.   An overly thick heart muscle was strangling the blood supply to his body.

6.   An attempt to strengthen the shoulder muscles of a javelin thrower, for instance, might lead inadvertently to an enlargement of the heart muscle.

7.   And only the MRI can show the geography of a cardiac artery blockage and the inactivity of dead heart muscle on the same image.

8.   Angiogenesis aims to provide permanent relief by growing new canals to irrigate parched heart muscles.

9.   Angina is generally caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle as a result of poor circulation.

10.   Angina happens when the oxygen-starved heart muscle receives less blood than it needs.

n. + muscle >>共 165
calf 15.36%
heart 11.78%
groin 10.40%
thigh 7.99%
leg 7.64%
stomach 6.89%
quadriceps 4.13%
neck 2.75%
chest 2.62%
shoulder 2.41%
heart + n. >>共 373
surgery 15.46%
problem 13.92%
trouble 7.61%
condition 6.20%
operation 4.41%
ailment 4.09%
transplant 3.37%
patient 2.95%
muscle 2.90%
rhythm 2.10%
每页显示:    共 170