1.   I remember him from his hearing tests - a quiet man.

2.   I went for a hearing test last week.

3.   Nine-month-old babies are given hearing tests by health visitors.

4.   I remember him from his hearing tests -- a quiet man.

5.   A hearing test is the only way to be sure an infant can hear normally.

6.   After waiting two weeks for that appointment, the specialist said he could do nothing until Mrs. Brody had a hearing test.

7.   However, the guidelines recommend hearing tests and antibiotics if the symptoms persist after three months.

8.   I have had my carotids checked, CAT scan, hearing test, ears X-rayed and caloric test.

9.   Most plans now charge for or do not offer hearing tests and have small or no hearing-aid allowances.

10.   Some, but not all, insurance companies pay for hearing aids or hearing tests.

a. + test >>共 759
nuclear 12.14%
first 5.93%
second 3.39%
positive 2.82%
new 2.71%
medical 2.43%
further 2.42%
standardized 2.32%
french 2.02%
underground 1.90%
hearing 0.15%
hearing + n. >>共 253
loss 16.57%
room 12.69%
date 8.43%
officer 6.69%
problem 3.50%
process 3.12%
test 2.13%
impairment 1.90%
evidence 1.90%
voice 1.67%
每页显示:    共 28