1.   If the hearing date is very close, the court office should also be notified by telephone.

2.   The court may order transfer forthwith or invite written representations from the parties or fix a hearing date to consider the matter.

3.   A summons for directions is required to fix the petition hearing date and to order the advertisement of the petition hearing.

4.   The summons for directions will be issued to fix the hearing date for the petition.

5.   An appeal hearing date has not yet been set, but the office of the commissioner is looking at either Friday or early next week.

6.   Arbitrator Shyam Das, who just ruled on the John Rocker case, could set a hearing date next week.

7.   At that time, a preliminary hearing date will be set.

8.   At that point, arbitrator Shyam Das sets a hearing date, the players association and Major League Baseball present their sides, and then Das makes a ruling.

9.   Bettman has offered the parties three hearing dates, two next week and one the week after.

10.   A hearing date for approval is set for Friday.

a. + date >>共 596
later 14.41%
new 8.46%
exact 7.71%
specific 4.25%
first 3.13%
future 2.50%
unspecified 2.35%
firm 2.14%
starting 1.85%
hearing 1.80%
hearing + n. >>共 253
loss 16.57%
room 12.69%
date 8.43%
officer 6.69%
problem 3.50%
process 3.12%
test 2.13%
impairment 1.90%
evidence 1.90%
voice 1.67%
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