1.   It would hear appeals involving assessments, chaired by a lawyer, and decisions would be legally binding.

2.   But prospects for a new agreement are uncertain, because the U.S. is demanding that the accord provide that damage suits involving Americans be heard in the U.S.

3.   In its opinion Wednesday, the Federal Circuit, which hears cases involving financial claims against the government, ruled that Congress could indeed change the rules.

4.   The Forbes campaign has since dropped one district from the case, and a state judge is now hearing testimony involving the other five.

5.   When Martin heard about fusion suddenly being involved with the procedure, he abruptly canceled the operation.

6.   But lawyers for the businessman, F. Gregg Bemis Jr., told a U.S. judge Thursday that American courts often hear cases involving American interests in foreign countries.

7.   When they hear cases involving business interests, the judgements went for the businesspeople.

v. + involve >>共 190
be 12.63%
include 3.23%
make 2.15%
find 2.15%
hear 2.15%
punish 1.88%
do 1.88%
arrest 1.88%
handle 1.61%
get 1.61%
hear + v. >>共 112
be 7.48%
come 5.61%
talk 5.61%
have 3.74%
involve 3.74%
say 3.74%
scream 3.74%
fire 2.80%
sing 2.80%
get 1.87%
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