1.   Over tacos, burritos and chickpea salads, they discussed logistics, finances, wardrobes and health concerns.

2.   Preventing the pollution of drinking water by untreated human excrement, for example, has long been recognised as a basic health concern.

3.   He says there are a wide range of health concerns.

4.   Although motivated by the mad cow scare in Europe and other health concerns, the system could pay big dividends in a variety of ways.

5.   Although the living can be easy, the season has its own set of health concerns, from hay fever to black-and-blue knees.

6.   And all those health concerns have vanished.

7.   And not all of the companies that responded were motivated by health concerns.

8.   Another Czech-born player, Stefan appears the most ready to step into to the NHL element right away, but his health concerns are an issue.

9.   Apple imports had been blocked by the health concerns of Japanese fruit inspectors.

10.   Apart from health concerns, in recent years the machines have become cheaper, more portable and easier to use.

n. + concern >>共 659
security 26.86%
safety 10.94%
investor 6.54%
health 4.55%
privacy 3.16%
inflation 2.51%
government 1.15%
consumer 1.00%
business 0.76%
weather 0.74%
health + n. >>共 369
official 11.61%
problem 9.34%
plan 6.38%
service 3.25%
authority 2.99%
benefit 2.89%
risk 2.84%
worker 2.42%
department 2.25%
expert 2.13%
concern 0.96%
每页显示:    共 209