1.   And even many health advocates are wary because the proposal pre-empts local regulations, such as the smoking restrictions adopted recently in Mesa and Flagstaff.

2.   Area mental health advocates are elated that the program is beginning.

3.   A longtime health advocate in San Francisco, who had criticized Renne for not joining the suit last year, welcomed her move Friday.

4.   After the release of the report last year, some health advocates sought screening of people who grew up downwind from the nuclear tests.

5.   After two years in the business, with health advocates warning about the dangers of cholesterol and fat, he sold the store.

6.   All of which make some naturopaths and alternative health advocates a little wary.

7.   All that changed as health advocates threatened to withhold their support unless smokers retain the right to sue.

8.   But Asian Pacific health advocates assert national studies tend to survey more acculturated English-speaking Asian Americans, who are much less likely to smoke.

9.   But consumer health advocate Linda Lowe says the agency is working on those problems.

10.   But health advocates and plaintiff lawyers retort that because nicotine is addictive, smokers do not really choose to smoke but rather are physically compelled to smoke.

n. + advocate >>共 463
consumer 24.23%
right 7.87%
privacy 6.20%
safety 2.87%
health 2.43%
gun-control 2.32%
abortion 2.23%
child 2.09%
immigrant 1.70%
abortion-rights 1.65%
health + n. >>共 369
official 11.61%
problem 9.34%
plan 6.38%
service 3.25%
authority 2.99%
benefit 2.89%
risk 2.84%
worker 2.42%
department 2.25%
expert 2.13%
advocate 0.40%
每页显示:    共 87