1.   When next they start going up month by month, will the headlines trumpet, Good news for home owners?

2.   Almost daily, headlines trumpet revelations of political fund-raising gimmicks involving contributors of big bucks.

3.   And yet the covers of their favorite magazines are plastered with Day-Glo headlines trumpeting all three almost exclusively.

4.   As a result, headlines never trumpeted that the manager and the principal owner were feuding, or even disagreeing.

5.   Headlines trumpeted developments.

6.   Politicians had made schools their signature issue, and newspaper headlines trumpeted tiny test score changes as proof of progress or failure.

7.   Should headlines trumpet the encouraging news when the report is released next week?

8.   Headlines trumpet the latest infection figures, and public-service pamphlets feature cartoon depictions of dangerous bacteria.

9.   Pro-Mahathir rallies have been held nationwide and daily headlines trumpet his achievements and condemn his critics.

n. + trumpet >>共 83
headline 6.62%
company 4.41%
executive 3.68%
government 3.68%
official 3.68%
elephant 2.94%
medium 2.94%
administration 2.21%
authority 2.21%
newspaper 2.21%
headline + v. >>共 113
be 27.44%
scream 3.79%
make 3.47%
say 2.84%
trumpet 2.84%
appear 2.52%
blare 2.21%
read 1.89%
reflect 1.89%
seem 1.89%
每页显示:    共 9