1.   Retailers describe him as neither a headline grabber nor an egomaniac, but as a top merchant and sophisticated marketer who likes to do things with a drum roll.

2.   Supporters of that plan attacked their foes as self-serving headline grabbers, arguing that the House members were honest and no new limits were needed.

3.   Yet most of these patents are not exactly headline grabbers.

4.   As always, goalie Chilavert was the headline grabber.

n. + grabber >>共 9
attention 27.27%
code 18.18%
headline 18.18%
land 9.09%
rating 9.09%
clam 4.55%
frame 4.55%
money 4.55%
power 4.55%
headline + n. >>共 71
writer 17.84%
news 14.55%
act 8.92%
figure 4.23%
inflation 3.76%
rate 3.76%
index 2.35%
fodder 1.88%
grabber 1.88%
match 1.88%
每页显示:    共 4