1.   A lot of bad things can happen to amateurs operating a sailboat or a hay baler.

2.   He figures the tool goes back to when the stationary hay baler was invented.

3.   In good weather, sailing is no more complicated than flying a kite and operating a hay baler at the same time.

4.   It all started with a hay baler that continuously coughed up irregular bales.

5.   Like a hay baler, a sailboat has a lot of pulleys and gadgets that can catch your fingers.

6.   On Tuesday afternoon, Romney was campaigning in Lee, Mass., by driving a hay baler and a milk truck in that rural western part of the state.

7.   Operating a sailboat is a procedure somewhere between running a hay baler and plowing a mule.

8.   He got the idea for the sculptures one day when his hay baler was turning out misshapen bales.

hay + n. >>共 79
bale 23.21%
field 9.52%
baler 4.76%
meadow 4.76%
ride 3.57%
barn 2.98%
cart 2.38%
rake 1.79%
wagon 1.79%
cutting 1.19%
每页显示:    共 8