1.   So, it never hurts to have a gimmick.

2.   And it never hurts to have a sense of history.

3.   But as the best ad libbers will tell you, it never hurts to have some prepared material on which to fall back.

4.   For a man with a mission it never hurts to have an overqualified band.

5.   If you play with heart, it hurts to have your heart questioned.

6.   It also never hurts to have a sense of responsibility.

7.   It hurts to have a sports franchise, which one has grown up with, move.

8.   It never hurts to have a little duct tape and all-purpose glue on hand.

9.   It never hurts to have that kind of additional, nonverbal path toward intimacy.

10.   Will having fewer lobbyists hurt the tech industry?

v. + hurt >>共 138
get 10.67%
fall 6.00%
be 5.00%
lose 4.67%
have 3.33%
play 3.00%
see 2.67%
rise 2.67%
ask 2.00%
go 2.00%
have + v. >>共 703
be 17.32%
seem 3.06%
do 3.01%
make 2.84%
say 1.99%
appear 1.99%
become 1.95%
lose 1.64%
have 1.42%
help 1.15%
hurt 0.44%
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