1.   In the ABL, the players have it good in many ways.

2.   These folks seem to thrive on that risk, even as they admit they had it good in their former jobs.

3.   Workers in the United States may have it good in many ways.

4.   The acquisition marks the return of the prominent businessman, who has made good in South Africa, to the Malaysian corporate scene.

v. + good + in >>共 16
be 49.26%
look 34.90%
feel 5.69%
sound 2.97%
find 1.49%
make 1.24%
have 0.99%
consider 0.74%
taste 0.74%
become 0.50%
have + good + p. >>共 4
in 57.14%
for 14.29%
to 14.29%
with 14.29%
每页显示:    共 4