1.   American combat troops for Operation Anaconda told a Pentagon pool reporter from the Associated Press harrowing tales of being pinned down by hostile fire.

2.   And nothing brought the torture and abuse home to the public and politicians like the Senate hearings, in which citizens told harrowing tales of being hounded to ruin.

3.   Everyone has heard harrowing tales of overheating and suffocation.

4.   Harrowing tales of muscles popping loose have not kept the National Football League from embracing creatine.

5.   His is one of three harrowing tales of mountain survival told here.

6.   Refugees who have been repatriated but manage to escape again tell harrowing tales of torture and imprisonment.

7.   Stacatto conversations rattle through cafes as people recount their ordeals of survival and harrowing tales of escape.

8.   Vacationers joined groups of reporters bunched up around witnesses relating their harrowing tales over and over.

9.   What better way to prevent eating disorders among young women in college than to let them hear firsthand the harrowing tales of others who have had those conditions?

10.   In what has become a national obsession, Egyptian newspapers, magazines and television are recounting harrowing tales of families paying huge sums to hire tutors for their children.

a. + tales >>共 354
tall 8.37%
folk 6.16%
similar 4.80%
cautionary 3.33%
harrowing 2.71%
old 2.09%
lurid 1.35%
moral 1.11%
personal 1.11%
dark 1.11%
harrowing + n. >>共 171
experience 8.79%
story 6.65%
tales 5.23%
journey 4.99%
scene 3.09%
tale 2.38%
ordeal 2.14%
account 2.14%
moment 2.14%
time 2.14%
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