1.   After many hair-raising adventures, most not only survive but emerge wiser and stronger as a result of their harrowing ordeal.

2.   As investigators sought to determine what happened in the minutes before the crash, passengers described a harrowing ordeal.

3.   But there were no details of their harrowing ordeal, or how they managed to escape a village guarded by Chechens and surrounded by a ring of Russian soldiers.

4.   Despite all of the deaths, it was a miracle that anyone lived to tell about their harrowing ordeal.

5.   In an exclusive interview with the San Antonio Express-News on Saturday, Al-Hazmi recounted his harrowing ordeal.

6.   Despite the harrowing ordeal, Mayo said he hoped to return to his ship to finish his tour.

7.   Victims of piracy, neglect and bureaucracy, the boat people survived harrowing ordeals on the high seas only to languish in detention camps throughout Southeast Asia.

8.   Belanger said he has not decided yet whether he would return to Canada or remain in the Philippines after his harrowing ordeal.

9.   The harrowing ordeal, however, took its toll.

a. + ordeal >>共 159
long 7.95%
whole 7.34%
entire 3.36%
terrifying 3.06%
such 3.06%
terrible 3.06%
harrowing 2.75%
medical 1.53%
similar 1.53%
emotional 1.53%
harrowing + n. >>共 171
experience 8.79%
story 6.65%
tales 5.23%
journey 4.99%
scene 3.09%
tale 2.38%
ordeal 2.14%
account 2.14%
moment 2.14%
time 2.14%
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