1.   A Skin is waterproof and keeps harmful materials such as detergents and allergic compounds out, and water in.

2.   The cilia in the respiratory tract hasten the exit from the body of possibly harmful foreign material.

3.   Besides, he said, treatments that clean up arsenic can eliminate other harmful materials, such as lead, in the water as well.

4.   A unanimous high court found the CDA unconstitutional because it was not narrowly tailored to protect minors from harmful materials.

5.   After six months of questioning from the national press corps, campaign officials are so confident that no harmful material will turn up that they welcome investigations.

6.   Disassembling cars is a pollution-intensive business because it produces huge amounts of waste that often contain harmful materials.

7.   It is true that we have repeatedly recognized the governmental interest in protecting children from harmful materials.

8.   The case also is unusual because libraries are exempt from a state law restricting access to materials harmful to minors.

9.   The leak was kept within the nuclear plant and no injuries were reported or harmful materials released into the environment, the utility said.

10.   The Senate is considering bipartisan legislation that would require some schools and libraries to install software to block material harmful to minors.

a. + material >>共 922
nuclear 4.99%
radioactive 4.13%
building 4.10%
new 3.77%
hazardous 3.53%
genetic 2.61%
bomb-making 1.24%
explosive 1.07%
reading 1.07%
educational 1.05%
harmful 0.14%
harmful + n. >>共 240
effect 18.33%
bacterium 7.92%
substance 4.19%
chemical 3.73%
ray 3.39%
emission 3.05%
radiation 3.05%
material 1.92%
level 1.58%
consequence 1.47%
每页显示:    共 17