1.   A selection of hard surfaces should be provided in the form of flat rocks or slate.

2.   But horses have yet to evolve a hoof suitable for constant wear on hard surfaces or rough stony tracks.

3.   Gulls carry shellfish into the air, then drop them onto hard surfaces to break them open.

4.   If the strip becomes curled when you cut it, put it on a hard flat surface and hammer it flat.

5.   The path has a hard surface suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs.

6.   When ions floating in the water happen to bump into the hard surface of the crystal, they tend to stick.

7.   Water cannot sink through these hard surfaces.

8.   Existing hard surfaces should be broken up beforehand.

9.   However, if a hard smooth surface is required royal icing is very effective.

a. + surface >>共 863
flat 4.00%
hard 3.12%
floured 2.50%
playing 2.31%
smooth 2.24%
artificial 2.18%
entire 1.98%
martian 1.98%
putting 1.76%
racing 1.40%
hard + n. >>共 557
time 18.59%
work 13.62%
drive 7.61%
hit 3.96%
way 3.84%
part 2.10%
evidence 1.97%
look 1.28%
hat 1.17%
worker 0.98%
surface 0.64%
每页显示:    共 95