1.   A. It depends on the hand sander.

2.   Can I do it with a hand sander or floor sander?

3.   I own an orbital hand sander, and since the floor is not very big, I can do the job on my hands and knees.

4.   Small hand sanders will leave swirl marks and will not sand as evenly as required for a good floor finish, no matter how careful you are.

n. + sander >>共 13
power 24.49%
belt 16.33%
drum 14.29%
floor 14.29%
hand 8.16%
edge 4.08%
palm 4.08%
plate 4.08%
decker 2.04%
disc 2.04%
hand + n. >>共 458
grenade 28.18%
recount 9.23%
count 7.32%
injury 4.63%
signal 2.97%
tool 2.94%
gesture 2.68%
specialist 1.50%
gun 1.41%
transplant 0.99%
sander 0.13%
每页显示:    共 4