1.   From that jumping-off point, the plot hits hairpin turns, sudden cliff drops and delirious loops of logic and technology.

2.   - Dave Peterson stands with his back to the Colorado River, his face to the string of traffic crawling around a hairpin turn.

3.   Access is limited by a steep and winding county-maintained road with a series of hairpin turns that are virtually impossible to navigate in RVs or tour buses.

4.   If you understand how steering works, for example, you may be better able to judge whether your vehicle can take that hairpin turn up ahead.

5.   It is a hairpin turn along a treacherous route.

6.   It was a great roller-coaster ride while it lasted, and Biskind brings it to life for us again, right down to the last hairpin turn.

7.   Otherwise, not much along this road to the Final Four has been more than a speed bump or pothole or a small thrilling hairpin turn.

8.   Proteins are strings of amino acids that bend naturally in helical loops, hairpin turns and pleated sheets.

9.   Suddenly we rounded a hairpin turn, and my husband hit the brakes.

n. + turn >>共 367
hairpin 5.67%
clubhouse 3.37%
plot 3.07%
four 1.53%
two 1.53%
penalty 1.38%
market 1.38%
people 1.23%
will 1.23%
conversation 1.07%
hairpin + n. >>共 6
turn 64.91%
curve 26.32%
structure 3.51%
en 1.75%
gate 1.75%
shot 1.75%
每页显示:    共 37