1.   Drug users are often habitual liars trying to cover up their addiction.

2.   Many of the prisoners are habitual liars.

3.   The defence sought to discredit Gravano as a serial killer and habitual liar who was seeking to evade life imprisonment by striking a deal with the authorities.

4.   Albanese, quoting Jim Dwyer, the Daily News columnist, called the mayor a habitual liar.

5.   During cross-examination, defense lawyer Tom Hillier quickly made it clear that the witness is an admitted thief and habitual liar.

6.   In addition, Cartisano produced an evaluation sheet that Humble completed before Christopher was sent to Samoa in which she described her son as a habitual liar.

7.   Kimberlin, you may recall, was the convicted bomber, habitual liar, and all-around sociopath who claimed to have sold drugs to Dan Quayle.

8.   Not born liar, or habitual liar, or inveterate liar.

9.   Torricelli has denied accepting any improper gratuities from Chang, whom he has described as mentally unstable and a habitual liar whose credibility has even been assailed by prosecutors.

10.   However, early attempts by Barak to portray Netanyahu as a habitual liar have fizzled.

a. + liar >>共 78
compulsive 9.82%
pathological 8.59%
habitual 7.36%
congenital 4.91%
chronic 3.68%
good 3.68%
notorious 2.45%
professional 2.45%
accomplished 1.84%
flat-out 1.84%
habitual + n. >>共 150
offender 6.36%
liar 5.45%
criminal 3.64%
user 3.18%
gambler 2.73%
absence 1.82%
hooligan 1.82%
smoker 1.82%
tardiness 1.82%
way 1.82%
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